
Donald Trump’s decision to expel Salvadorans could empower deadly MS-13 gang, warn experts

“You never get used to it. I leave my house afraid. I come home afraid,” a resident of Soyapango, El Salvador, said furtively.

He knows that in the second most dangerous country in the world, even wearing the wrong colour trainers can get you murdered by MS-13, the vicious international gang that has terrorised Salvadoran citizens for more than 20 years.

Donald Trump, the US president, has promised to crush the gang, which is blamed for dozens of macabre killings around the US.

Yet his decision last week to end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 200,000 Salvadoran immigrants could both empower the group in El Salvador and provide a new generation of recruits in the US, according to experts in immigration and gang violence.

Charles Call, an associate professor of international peace and conflict resolution at American University, said: "I think the large number of Salvadorans who are going back to their country will be prime recruiting ground for MS-13 and will make the security situation in El Salvador worse.

MS-13 members held in the Quezaltepeque police station in San Salvador, El Salvador, in 2013Credit:
Getty Images

“This decision is going to drive out youths who will certainly be prime candidates for recruitment of MS-13.

“When you first arrive and they say ‘either you work with us or we’ll kill you’, it’s hard to say no." 

The gang, originally called Mara Salvatrucha, was formed by immigrants from El Salvador in the 1980s around MacArthur Park, Los Angeles.

A deportation crackdown in the 1990s exported MS-13 leaders to El Salvador. In ten years the gang grew to 50,000 members, engaged in brutal murders, extortion, immigrant smuggling and racketeering.

Jorja Leap, an anthropologist at the University of California Los Angeles, said deported teenagers would be ripe for recruitment.

“I think it is a risk that when people subject to TPS are sent back to El Salvador, it is going to increase the gang membership there,” she said. “They will join to protect themselves, not because they want to be gang members, but because they are afraid.”

Last year Donald Trump spoke in New York to demand Congress commit more funds to fighting MS-13Credit:
Getty Images

The policy, she added, represented a step backwards at a time when data from Los Angeles suggested membership was declining.

“And that’s why I’m just horrified at what Trump does, because he gives oxygen to a gang that is losing oxygen,” she added.

The US government says TPS recipients were only ever given temporary leave to remain in the US. It was introduced in 2001 for refugees who had fled two earthquakes and a civil war, allowing them to stay and work legally in a country until it was safe enough to return.

It had been renewed every 18 months until last week when Mr Trump said he was cancelling the provision. Holders now have until September next year to obtain a valid visa.

The US Department of Homeland Security said last week that it considered El Salvador safe enough for families to return.

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But experts outside the government disagree. “It is far more dangerous than in 2001,” said Manuel Orozco, a political scientist with the Washington DC think tank InterAmerican Dialogue.

“In 2001 the homicide rate was six people per day, in 2017 it was 11. Extortion rings are substantially larger. In July, 2016, DHS said things were not in good shape for Salvadorans to return. Eighteen months later, these indicators have not improved in the majority of cases.”

Mr Orozco said many Salvadoran immigrants were living middle-class lives in the US and are unprepared to return to their dangerous and unstable nation.

Vanessa Velasco, 36 (r) with husband Enrique, 38 and daughter Arianna, 17 (l)

Vanessa Velasco, 36, said she faced an agonising decision about whether to split up her family. She and her husband Enrique came as tourists to the US in 2000. They now own their own home in San Francisco, bought with wages from Mr Velasco’s job restoring historic buildings.

“Since we left we never went back,” Mrs Velasco told the Daily Telegraph. “My brother was killed, he was a casualty from all these gangs, and I wasn’t able to go to his funeral."

She said her 17-year-old daughter had applied to Berkeley College and would stay behind if she could do so legally.

Ms Leap said that many Salvadorans in America would rather stay illegally than risk returning to their home country.

"I think they’re going to try to take the chance because many of them feel that they will be facing certain death if they return home,” she said. “They are going into a war zone.”

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