Season 4, Episode 5
Recap by Ryan Pike (@RyanNPike)
-Nikki Wants Tea, Paige Wants Beer: The WWE is in Europe on tour, so Nikki wants to go to high tea and wear fancy hats and eat cakes. And if you’ve been paying attention to this show at all, you know that’s not Paige’s scene. Rather than communicating about it like adults, Paige just leaves tea time to meet up with Naomi and Lana (!) at a dive bar, where they dance and drink. Later on, Brie explains to Paige that Nikki likes fancy stuff because they grew up poor on a farm. Paige and Nikki talk it out and all is well.
-Eva Marie Has Bruises From Training: She gets comments, both in-person and on Instagram, asking if her husband is beating her. They joke about it, and we establish that she’s tougher than her husband.
-Alicia Still Loves Wade Barrett: Alicia frets over her feelings for Wade Barrett all episode, with every girl on the show (particularly Nattie, Emma and Rosa Mendes) giving her conflicting advice. Finally, she meets Wade’s new girlfriend and likes her, then has a brief heart-to-heart with Maria Menounos and decides she can get over Wade.
John Cena appears, having dinner with Nikki and Brie and talking about how broke he used to be.