
Former USATF CEO Logan Files Lawsuit for Wrongful Termination

Message from Stephanie Hightower on Pending Litigation Filed by Doug Logan

former CEO Doug Logan filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against
USATF, which we have anticipated for the last few weeks. USATF looks
forward to the resolution of the lawsuit, which we vigorously will
defend against.


filing of this suit and its ultimate resolution will not affect USATF
and how we serve the sport. Although we cannot speak to the specifics
of pending litigation, we can assure you that USATF is open for
business and more committed than ever to achieving our strategic goals
and serving all our constituents.

About USA Track & Field

USA Track & Field (USATF) is the National Governing Body for track
& field, long-distance running and race walking in the United
States. USATF encompasses the world’s oldest organized sports, the
World’s #1 Track & Field Team, the most-watched events at the
Olympics, the #1 high school and junior high school participatory
sport, and more than 30 million adult runners in the United States: www.usatf.org.

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