If you invest in individual stocks you will likely, or should, be steering clear of Apple (AAPL).
Apple shares are now more than 25% off their September levels, but the question long term investors should ask is why? Is it because Mr. Jobs passed and the new leadership is unable to innovate? The answer is an unequivocal “YES.”
Where are the really new products?
So far Apple has offered a smaller version of the iPad and an iPhone with a slightly bigger screen. These are not the game-changing technological leaps that we are used to from the technology company.
As if to put an exclamation mark on the the idea, Samsung has unleashed a series of effective adds showing the iPerson faithful standing in line for a device that does no more than to move the headphone jack to another side of their signature device.
Apple continues to offer devices that are unfriendly to those needing productivity while Andoid and Microsft put out portable devices intended for the working community.
The Microsoft “Surface” comes with Windows 8 and Microsoft Office built into the device and Android has google docs. Apple has cool apps – the same cool apps that work on everything they’ve ever had.
Apple is failing to innovate while Samsung and Microsoft find better uses for mobile technology. Investing in a company that can only make smaller or larger versions of their existing technology is illogical. Apple is no longer the cool new thing.