An old video of Shah Rukh Khan that has surfaced in social media has revealed a hitherto unknown fact about the Bollywood star. It seems like he had a stint as a television show anchor on Doordarshan, way back in the early 90s.
The throwback video shows Khan anchoring a New Year’s Eve show on Doordarshan along with a female anchor. In the clip, the actor and his co-anchor are seen inviting a much-younger singer Kumar Sanu — who was yet to strike Bollywood stardom with his songs of ‘Aashiqui’ — to the stage to sing a track.
In the video, a lanky Khan, dressed in the baggy fashion of the era, looks to be in his early to mid 20s. As Sanu is introduced by his co-anchor, Khan jocularly asks if he is the singer who has been making waves copying Kishore Kumar lately.
His co-anchor replies saying that although Sanu’s style is heavily influenced by Kumar, he has a lot of individuality too.
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Incidentally, this performance was one of Sanu’s earliest public shows.
The video was shared by Twitter handle Bollywoodirect.
Khan would go on to become Bollywood’s ‘King Khan’ in a couple of years’ time and Sanu would become the industry’s biggest playback sensation for the next several years with the release of ‘Aashiqui’ in 1990.