On Monday morning, Indian batter and former skipper Virat Kohli shared a shocking incident where his privacy was breached as a video putting the insides of his hotel room was put on display. The walkthrough video of Virat’s room was taken by a staff member of Hotel Crown Towers in Perth where the cricketer stayed during the days of India’s match against South Africa.
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In a recent development, the authorities of Perth’s Hotel have taken the matter into cognizance and have released a statement on this matter.
“We unreservedly apologise to the guest involved and will continue to take the necessary steps to ensure this remains an isolated incident,” the hotel management said in a statement as reported by ESPNCricinfo. Crown further added that the individuals involved have been stood down and the original video was swiftly removed from the social media platform.
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The statement further read, “Crown is conducting an investigation with the third-party contractor and will take any further steps necessary to ensure an incident of this nature does not happen again. We are also cooperating with the Indian Cricket team and the International Cricket Council to convey our apologies and will continue to work with them as we progress the investigation.”
Although Virat hadn’t revealed when the incident in question took place, several media reports suggest the video was shot and originally shared on Tiktok on October 8th, two days after the team had arrived in Australia.
ICC on this incident said that it was “incredibly disappointed by the gross invasion of privacy” that Kohli had suffered. “We continue to work with event hotels and security providers to ensure that this remains an isolated incident and player privacy is fully respected at all times.”
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Virat in his expression that made the internet worried addressed the factor of respect for someone’s privacy and that no one should be treated as a “commodity” for entertainment.
Virat expressed in the post’s caption and wrote, “I understand that fans get very happy and excited seeing their favourite players and get excited to meet them and I’ve always appreciated that. But this video here is appalling and it’s made me feel very paranoid about my privacy. If I cannot have privacy in my own hotel room, then where can I really expect any personal space at all?? I’m NOT okay with this kind of fanaticism and absolute invasion of privacy. Please respect people’s privacy and not treat them as a commodity for entertainment.”
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