Ring of Honor star Bully Ray recently spoke with ESPN ahead of tonight’s big ROH Final Battle PPV, and below are some interview highlights:
On having his retirement match at The Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC:
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“I don’t think it could be any more fitting,” Bully Ray said. “The Hammerstein Ballroom, where I have so much history, it’s New York City where I have so much history. I think the name of the pay-per-view is probably the most fitting: Final Battle. I’ll be the first one to admit: I know I don’t belong anywhere near a ring right now. I didn’t even really want it to happen, but it has to happen. It has to happen for closure, closure for me and closure for wrestling fans.”
Read Also Ray Comments On The Owens and Zayn Being Sent Home From WWE Tour
On his feud with The Briscoes:
“I have always seen and still see a lot in the Briscoes,” Bully Ray said. “They are the team when it comes to Ring of Honor. They have an edginess to them that I believe nobody else in the company has. I believe that they are a team that would have fit back in the day in ECW.”
“The Briscoes wished they could have fought me and D-Von,” Bully Ray said. “They’re going to get as close as you possibly can get when they face me and Dreamer.”
On ROH Final Battle being his ‘Final Battle’:
“From top to bottom, whether it’s Cody vs. Dalton, or the Bucks, or Kazarian and Daniels vs. War Machine, or Ospreay vs. Taven, or the Jay Lethal match, it’s all great stuff. What makes my match different is my match has nothing to do with wrestling moves,” Bully Ray said. “My match has to do with violence — pure, straight-up violence. There will be blood. There will be moments that people will be talking about 20 years from now. I think it’s pretty apropos that Final Battle will be my final battle.”