If you’re looking for a simple-to-set-up, active floorstander, Vienna Acoustics brand new Mozart Infinity Active (12,000/pair and available in a few weeks) might just fit the bill. On Jason Mraz’s “I Won’t Give Up,” the Mozart Infinity Active stuck to its guns and delivered nice, colorful, large, and solid hi-fi sound.
Piotr Cholewa, Chief Engineer of Vienna Acoustics, and Maria Gansterer, daughter of company founder Peter Gansterer, explained that his first challenge was to find the right combination of streamerhe chose one from Streamer Ltd. of Austriaand drivers. Development of the company’s first active speaker took five years until a Roon-ready, European-manufactured active speaker that could stream Tidal Direct, Spotify Direct, and Qobuz emerged. Also controllable with Vienna Acoustics’ own app, the Mozart Infinity Active can stream PCM up to DXD. While the speaker has no internal storage, it comes with connections for a preamp, turntable, CD player, and other devices that use HDMI.
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