
More from Focal and Naim

The second demo I heard in Focal Naim’s spacious, hall-sized room was centered around the brand new Naim NSC 222 streaming preamplifier ($12,000) from the company’s New Classic Series. This is big news in the realm of Naim, though it doesn’t entirely replace Naim’s last Classic Series, which was launched … 50 years ago! The New Classic Series also includes the NSC 222 preamplifier (without streaming), the NAP 250 power amplifier, and the NPX 300 power supply. You might say the NSC 222 replaced Naim’s Statement NAC S1 preamp ($129,999), but only at this show: The NAC S1 was supposed to be part of this demo but was damaged in transit. NSC 222 to the rescue!

Fortunately, the demo pair of Statement NAP S1 monoblocks ($130,000 each; 746W into 8 ohms) arrived unscathed, as did the mighty Focal Maestro Utopia Evo speakers ($100,000/pair). Cabling was from Naim’s Super Lumina series.

Across a selection of Tidal-streamed tracks, this system delivered unfettered power and scale. Sounds were big, vivid, and close-up—not close-up in the hot-treble sense but in the sense of seeing the structure of notes. Yo-Yo Ma’s cello revealed boundless texture and a richness free of artificial warmth.

When a system is equipped with a power output equivalent to one horsepower, it’s tempting, as with a race car, to drive it fast—which is exactly what Iain Richardson, Focal Naim’s Ontario sales manager, did. With a mischievous smile and a preliminary warning, he launched Ghost Rider’s bass-heavy audioshow chestnut, “Make Us Stronger.” The soundstage blew open, sending sounds previously cemented in space hurtling toward us at breakneck speed (for a moment I was actually worried about my neck), and a bass beat that threatened to knock down anyone who was standing up. Exhilarating.

All prices are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified.

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