
Toms River Business Administrator Returns To Public Works Role

TOMS RIVER, NJ — Toms River will be looking for a new business administrator when Daniel Rodrick is sworn in as mayor in January 2024.

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That’s because Louis Amoruso has exercised an option to return to his role as the director of public works.

Amoruso, in a telephone interview Monday, said he notified Mayor Maurice Hill in October of his intent to return to his role as director of public works. He is serving as acting business administrator until the township hires a new administrator.

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Amoruso said the option to return to his role as director of public works was part of an agreement he signed after he became Toms River’s business administrator.

“When I accepted the position (as business administrator) from Mayor Hill in 2020, I was tenured as director of public works,” he said.

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Because the business administrator serves at the will of the mayor, Amoruso said he accepted that position on the condition that he be given a leave of absence from the public works position, with the understanding he could return to public works at any time while the agreement was in place through Dec. 31, 2024.

That agreement, setting his salary at $188,000, was formalized as part of a memorandum of understanding on Dec. 30, 2021:

“8. Leave of Absence from Position as Director of Public Works: The Township’s Administrator has not resigned his position as the Director of Public Works and has tenure in that position. During the term of his services as Administrator, the Administrator is granted an approved leave of absence from his position as Director of Public Works and upon conclusion of his service as Township Administrator, shall be permitted to return to his tenured position as Director of Public Works if he so chooses.”

In a July 14, 2023, letter from Township Attorney Gregory McGuckin to Mayor Maurice Hill, Township Attorney Gregory McGuckin said that agreement remained in force.

“… since Mr. Amoruso holds tenure of office in the position of Director of Public Works, a right he has never waived, expressly or implicitly, and in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding executed at the time of his appointment as Township Administrator, Mr. Amoruso may assert his tenure right to return to his position as Director of Public Works, i.e. Superintendent of Public Works, pursuant to NJSA 40A:9-154.6.”

Amoruso said he shared that information with Rodrick, who on Friday sent emails to township administration demanding no personnel changes before Rodrick takes the oath of office in January. Emails he shared with Patch show Amoruso addressed his situation before Rodrick sent his townshipwide email.

A request for comment from Rodrick on Tuesday was not immediately answered.

According to Toms River Township ordinance, any leave of absence by a department head must be approved by the Township Council and is limited to a year. Extensions must be approved by the council, according to the ordinance.

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