The Octagon is back in Las Vegas on a busy weekend in Sin City as UFC On ESPN+ 90: Allen vs. Craig takes place inside the UFC Apex.
The main event will be a five-round bout between ranked middleweights as tenth-ranked Brendan Allen battles Paul Craig, who is ranked 13th in the division. Allen comes into the fight riding a five-fight win streak after scoring a submission win over Bruno Silva in June. Craig will be in his first main event as he looks to make it 2-0 at 185 pounds.
In the co-main event, undefeated Michael Morales looks to continue his climb up the welterweight ladder when he takes on Jake Matthews. Also on the main card is a lightweight battle between Chase Hooper and Jordan Leavitt, a bantamweight bout between debuting prospect Payton Talbott and Nick Aguirre, as well as Luana Pinheiro taking on Amanda Ribas in a fight between ranked strawweights.
> Flyweights*- Charles Johnson (13-5, 2-3 UFC) vs. Rafael Estevam (11-0, 0-0 UFC)
*Estevam missed weight by two pounds
Estevam looks for a takedown to start and pushes Johnson against the fence. Estevam is landing. Estevam gets a takedown but they end up back on their feet. Johnson pushes Estevam against the fence. Estevam gets another takedown. Estevam takes the back and almost has the back mount. Estevam landing punches to end the round. 10-9 Estevam.
Estevam gets a brief takedown but they get to their feet and are tied up. Estevam gets it to the mat and has the back. He looks for a choke and almost had it in but lets go. Johnson is able to escape and gets on top for a moment but they get to their feet. Estevam has the body lock on the back on the feet. Johnson lands a knee and they separate and trade punches. 10-9 Estevam, 20-18 Estevam.
Johnson lands a left hand and is swarming with punches. He lands to the body and Estevam looks for a takedown. Johnson defends and Estevam is still looking for one but Johnson is defending and landing. Estevam looks tired and tries desperation takedowns. Johnson lands a knee but Estevam is able to get a body lock. Johnson is looking for a bulldog choke but doesn't get it in. Estevam still trying for the takedown but they are separated. Johnson lands a pair of right hands and an elbow. He lands another. Estevam still looking for takedowns but Johnson defends them. Johnson lands a combo. They trade punches. Johnson tries a takedown but Estevam grabs the back, though Johnson rolls for a leg. 10-9 Johnson, 29-28 Estevam.
Official Result- Rafael Estevam def. Charles Johnson by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
> Lightweights- Trey Ogden (16-6, 1-2 UFC) vs. Nikolas Motta (13-5, 1-2 UFC)
Motta lands a leg kick after Ogden lands a punch. Ogden looks for a takedown as he pushes Motta against the fence. They separate. Ogden shoots for a takedown but Motta defends. Ogden lands a jab. Ogden lands a leg kick. Ogden gets a late takedown and lands some from the top. He ends the round on top. 10-9 Ogden.
Motta lands to start the second. Ogden lands a jab. They trade punches. They trade jabs. Motta lands a right hand. Ogden lands a jab. He lands another. Motta clips Ogden with a punch and Ogden is hurt and circling away. Motta lands a left hand. Ogden grabs the body and had the back but Motta escapes. Motta lands a punch. Ogden lands a jab then a combination ending with a head kick. Ogden looks for a takedown and gets Motta to the mat but they get right up. Ogden lands a combo. He lands a jab. Ogden with a jab then left hook. 10-9 Ogden, 20-18 Ogden.
Ogden looks for a single leg and briefly gets Motta down but Motta works his way up. Ogden pushes Motta against the fence. Ogden gets a takedown and lands to the body from the top. Ogden has the mount and is trying to find an opening for a choke. Ogden lands a couple of left hands. Ogden gets an arm-triangle choke locked in. Mike Beltran stops it but Motta didn't tap and wasn't out cold. That was a bad stoppage.
Official Result- Trey Ogden vs. Nikolas Motta ruled a no contest at 3:11 of Round 3
> Women's Bantamweights- Lucie Pudilova (14-8, 3-6 UFC) vs. Ailin Perez (8-2, 1-1 UFC)
Perez lands a high kick. She lands a body kick as Pudilova lands a jab. Pudilova lands a body kick. Perez lands a right hand. Perez gets a takedown and is in the half-guard of Pudilova. Pudilova tries to escape but it allows Perez to get the mount and she lands from there. Perez lands some side elbows. Perez controlling from the top and landing. She ends the round on top. 10-9 Perez.
Perez lands to start. Pudilova lands a right hand. Perez gets a takedown. Perez is landing from the top in the half-guard of Pudilova. Perez gets the mount and is in total control from the top. She lands a nice elbow from the top. Perez with a flurry of punches and elbows from the top. Perez ends the round on top. 10-9 Perez, 20-18 Perez.
Perez pushes it against the fence in the clinch. Perez almost gets it down and lands a head kick. Pudilova lands a right hand and Perez rolls to her back. Pudilova gets inside the guard of Perez. They get to their feet and Pudilova lands some knees. Pudilova gets a takedown. Perez scrambles and almost gets out and almost landed an illegal upkick as Pudilova is able to remain on top and is now in side control. They stand and Pudilova has the body lock. They trade knees. Pudilova lands a body kick. Pudilova has the back and is landing some punches on the mat. She has the mount and lands a big elbow. Pudilova is looking for a choke. She has it locked in but not fully. Perez survives to the end. 10-9 Pudilova, 29-28 Perez.
Official Result- Ailin Perez def. Lucie Pudilova by unanimous decision (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)
> Featherweights*- Jeka Saragih (13-3, 0-1 UFC) vs. Lucas Alexander (8-3, 1-1 UFC)
*Alexander missed weight by two pounds
Alexander lands a leg kick. He lands a big right hand. Alexander lands a kick and falls to his back. He scrambles and Saragih drops him with a right hand and some follow-up punches end it all. What a finish from Saragih!
Official Result- Jeka Saragih def. Lucas Alexander by knockout (punches) at 1:31 of Round 1
> Heavyweights- Mick Parkin (7-0, 1-0 UFC) vs. Caio Machado (8-1-1, 0-0 UFC)
Machado lands early. They clinch against the fence. Parkin has the advantage and scores a takedown. Machado uses the fence to scramble up but Parkin gets it right back down. Parkin is in the half-guard. Machado gets it back to the feet and they trade punches. They trade leg kicks before Parkin pushes it against the fence. They separate. Parkin lands a right hand and Machado lands at the end. Close round. 10-9 Machado.
They trade to start the second before Parkin gets a takedown. He's landing from the top and controlling. They scramble up after a few minutes and Parkin is able to get Machado back down and is in side control. Parkin lands an elbow and Machado sweeps to side control near the end. 10-9 Parkin, 19-19.
They trade punches. Parkin lands a right hand. Machado with a small flurry. They're trading and there's a timeout for a clash of heads. They get back to action and Machado lands a head kick. Machado landing with more volume. Parkin lands a right hand. Machado lands a leg kick. Both are landing late. Machado lands late. 10-9 Machado, 29-28 Machado.
Official Result- Mick Parkin def. Caio Machado by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
> Middleweights- Christian Leroy Duncan (8-1, 1-1 UFC) vs. Denis Tiuliulin (11-8, 1-3 UFC)
Tiuliulin lands early before they trade kicks. They tie up against the fence. Duncan lands some knees. Duncan lands a shoulder strike after they exchange knees. Duncan still controlling against the fence. Duncan still landing knees. 10-9 Duncan.
We have a brief timeout for a groin strike to start the second but they get back to action. Duncan lands a spinning elbow then a jab and is landing lots of punches on Tiuliulin. Duncan landing leg kicks and is landing with more volume. Tiuliulin lands a body kick. Duncan lands a jab and Tiuliulin lands some punches. Duncan pushes it against the fence but Tiuliulin escapes. Tiuliulin lands a leg kick. Duncan lands a pair of elbows before they clinch. He lands another on the break. Duncan lands a big right hand. Duncan lands a left hook then some uppercuts. Duncan drops Tiuliulin with a punch and then finishes it off with some follow-up shots. Big finish for Duncan.
Official Result- Christian Leroy Duncan def. Denis Tiuliulin by TKO (strikes) at 4:24 of Round 2
> Bantamweights- Chad Anheliger (12-6, 1-1 UFC) vs. Jose Johnson (15-8, 0-1 UFC)
Johnson lands a high kick. He lands a right hand. He lands a teet kick then a right hand. Johnson gets Anheliger down and lands from the top. They stand and Anheliger lands a right hand. They trade before clinching. Anheliger gets a takedown. They get to their feet and Anheliger lands a combo. They clinch and Johnson lands some knees as they reverse. They separate. Anheliger lands a leg kick. Anheliger tries a trip but Johnson ends up on top and is landing. They scramble at the end. 10-9 Johnson.
Johnson lands a leg kick. We have a timeout for an eye poke. They get back to action and trade leg kicks. Anheliger tries a takedown but Johnson defends. They clinch and trade knees. Anheliger gets a takedown and is in side control. Johnson explodes from the bottom to his feet and they clinch. Johnson is rolling for a kimura but Anheliger escapes. Anheliger goes for a guillotine choke. Johnson escapes and takes the back of Anheliger. He looks for a choke but can't get it in. Johnson with some elbows from the top and then some left hands. 10-9 Johnson, 20-18 Johnson.
They're both landing to start the second. Anheliger connects with a combo and Johnson then connects. Anheliger gets a takedown. Johnson landing a lot from the bottom as Anheliger is maintaining top position. Johnson with some elbows from the bottom. Anheliger lands a right hand. They start to work their way up but Anheliger grabs the neck and looks for a guillotine choke. Johnson sweeps to side control ad Anheliger lets go. Johnson gets the body triangle as he is landing punches. Johnson looks for a choke late and has it locked in and Anheliger taps! Big finish for Johnson as he was on his way to a win regardless.
Official Result- Jose Johnson def. Chad Anheliger by submission (rear-naked choke) at 4:49 of Round 3
> Featherweights- Jonathan Pearce (14-4, 5-1 UFC) vs. Joanderson Brito (15-3-1, 3-1 UFC)
They tie up instantly as Brito has the neck and is squeezing. Pearce gets out and is trying for a takedown against the fence. Brito picks Pearce up and slams him down. Brito tries to get the back but rolls over and now Pearce is on top. Pearce with a knee to the body. He lands some left hands before they stand. Pearce with some elbows and short punches. They separate and Brito lands a right hand. Pearce tries a takedown but Brito defends as they go to the fence. Brito with some body punches. Pearce with some knees. Pearce tries to drag it down and ends up on his back. Pearce trying to find an arm. They get to their feet and Pearce lands late. 10-9 Pearce.
Pearce gets a takedown. He's landing from the top as Brito is trying to use the fence to explode up. Pearce dominating and controlling from the top. Pearce with some punches from the back. They get to their knees and Pearce is still in control. They get on their feet. Brito suddenly locks in a choke out of nowhere and Pearce suddenly taps! That came out of nowhere and Brito took off his shorts afterwards.
Official Result- Joanderson Brito def. Jonathan Pearce by submission (ninja choke) at 3:54 of Round 2
> Welterweights- Uros Medic (9-1, 3-1 UFC) vs. Myktybek Orolbai (11-1-1, 0-0 UFC)
Medic lands a body kick. He lands a high kick. Orolbai goes to the mat for a moment and Medic lands some knees and elbows. Orolbai pushes it against the fence and then scores a takedown. They get up and Orolbai has the back and gets a takedown. He lands a right hand as they get to their feet. Orolbai gets another takedown. They get to their feet and Orolbai is able to get it back down. They stand and Orolbai has the back and gets it back down. He tries to get the hooks in. Orolbai lands some left hands. 10-9 Orolbai.
Orolbai gets a takedown and is on the top. Orolbai is able to get the back after controlling on the top but Medic is able to scramble to his feet. Orolbai has the body lock and gets it back down. Orolbai has the back and lands a left hand before putting his arm under the chin of Medic. Orolbai is squeezing across the chin and Medic taps! Dominant showing from Orolbai in his debut.
Official Result- Myktybek Orolbai def. Uros Medic by submission (neck crank) at 4:12 of Round 2
> Women's Strawweights- #9 Luana Pinheiro (11-1, 3-0 UFC) vs. #10 Amanda Ribas (11-4, 6-3 UFC)
They're trading punches early with haymakers landing. Pinheiro lands a right hand. Ribas lands a jab. Ribas lands a leg kick as Pinheiro lands a combo. Pinheiro lands a body kick. Pinheiro lands a leg kick. They trade kicks. Pinheiro lands a big combination. Ribas lands a spin kick then follows with a combo. They trade in close range with Ribas landing a right hand. Pinheiro lands a right hand. Pinheiro lands a combo. They clinch and Ribas lands a couple of knees. They separate. Pinheiro lands a combo. 10-9 Pinheiro.
Pinheiro lands a right hand. Pinheiro landing with more volume early on before Ribas lands a combo. Ribas lands a leg kick. Ribas lands a body kick. Ribas tries a spin kick but Pinheiro grabs the leg, though Ribas escapes and lands a head kick. Pinheiro starting to slow as Ribas is now landing with more volume. Ribas lands a jab. Ribas lands a combo. They trade kicks. They trade right hands. Ribas lands a head kick. Pinheiro lands a right hand. She lands a combo. Ribas lands a spin kick to the body. 10-9 Ribas, 19-19.
Ribas landing to start before they land body kicks simultaneously. Pinheiro lands a right hand and Ribas lands one in return. Ribas lands a body kick. Pinheiro lands a right hand. Ribas lands a body kick. Pinheiro looks for a takedown but Ribas defends. Ribas lands a head kick. Pinheiro gets a brief takedown but they get right up. Pinheiro gets it back down and is working for a choke. Pinheiro gets the back but Ribas scrambles to get Pinheiro in her guard. They get to their feet and Ribas lands a knee to the body. Ribas lands a body kick. They trade right hands. Ribas lands a big right hand and Pinheiro backs up. Ribas with a spin kick lands to the face and Ribas drops Pinheiro with a right hand and some hammerfists end it. Big comeback win for Ribas!
Official Result- Amanda Ribas def. Luana Pinheiro by TKO (punches) at 3:53 of Round 3
> Bantamweights- Payton Talbott (6-0, 0-0 UFC) vs. Nick Aguirre (7-1, 0-1 UFC)
Aguirre gets an early takedown. They get to their feet and Aguirre is on the back and trying to get the hooks in. Aguirre just holding on to the back. He has landed no strikes three minutes in. They scramble to the mat and Aguirre has the body triangle while still on the back. Aguirre lands some punches from the back. He looked for a choke late before they stood. 10-9 Aguirre.
Talbott lands a body kick. Aguirre shoots for a takedown but Talbott defends. Aguirre tries to invite Talbott down but is stood up. Talbott lands some punches and Aguirre shoots for a takedown. Talbott sprawls and Aguirre pulls guard. Talbott lands from the top. He gets the back. They get to their feet. Aguirre lands a jab. He lands a kick but Talbott grabs the leg and dumps him to the mat. Aguirre gets up and is able to get a takedown. Talbott ends up on top and is landing punches. Talbott with some hammerfists and left hands. Talbott with some elbows and punches late. 10-9 Talbott, 19-19.
Aguirre looking for the takedown to start the third but Talbott scrambles to his feet. Talbott lands then Aguirre pulls guard. Talbott landing big punches from the top and locks in a rear-naked choke that gets Aguirre to tap. Nice finish from Talbott in his debut.
Official Result- Payton Talbott def. Nick Aguirre by submission (rear-naked choke) at :58 of Round 3
> Lightweights- Chase Hooper (12-3-1, 4-3 UFC) vs. Jordan Leavitt (11-2, 4-2 UFC)
Hooper lands before Leavitt gets it to the mat as he has the back. Hooper spins to the top and they stand. Leavitt trying for another takedown as they're tied up. They scramble back to the mat. Leavitt looks for an omaplata but Hooper spins to where Leavitt ends back up on top. Hooper is looking for an armbar. Leavitt is able to escape. Hooper looking for a leg lock. Leavitt lands a big elbow. Both looking for a leg lock. Hooper gets the back and locks in a rear-naked choke and Leavitt taps! Big win for Hooper.
Official Result- Chase Hooper def. Jordan Leavitt by submission (rear-naked choke) at 2:58 of Round 1
> Welterweights- Michael Morales (15-0, 3-0 UFC) vs. Jake Matthews (19-6, 12-6 UFC)
Both looking for the jab early. Morales with a calf kick. Morales lands a leg kick then a right hand. Matthews lands a combo. Morales with a right hand. Morales lands a few punches. Morales lands a pair of jabs. Morales lands a big combo. They trade leg kicks. Matthews lands a leg kick that trips up Morales for a moment. Morales lands a right hand. Morales lands a combo. Matthews lands a nice combo. Morales lands a jumping knee and Matthews grabs him but lets go. Morales with a body kick. 10-9 Morales.
Morales lands a calf kick. Morales lands a few jabs. Morales lands an uppercut and follows it with right hands as Matthews is covering up. Morales lands a jab then a calf kick. They trade in close range. Morales lands a leg kick. Morales with a few uppercuts. Morales lands a jab, Matthews lands a right hand and Morales counters with a Superman punch. Both land inside the pocket. Morales lands a body kick. Morales with a late flurry against the fence as Matthews was covering up. 10-9 Morales, 20-18 Morales.
Morales lads to start. Matthews lands a shot to the groin of Morales and we have a timeout. They get back to action and Matthews is pressing forward and lands. Morales lands a jab. Morales lands a right hand. Morales lands two leg kicks. Morales scores with an uppercut. We have another groin strike, but they quickly get back to action. Morales lands a jab and Matthews lands a leg kick. Morales lands a right hand. Matthews lands a combo. Morales lands an uppercut. Morales tries a takedown but Matthews defends. Morales lands as they break and Matthews lands a right hand. 10-9 Morales, 30-27 Morales.
Official Result- Michael Morales def. Jake Matthews by unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
> Middleweights- #10 Brendan Allen (22-5, 10-2 UFC) vs. #13 Paul Craig (17-6-1, 9-6-1 UFC)
Allen lands a right hand then a leg kick. Allen lands to the body. They clinch and Allen lands a knee as Craig pushes it to the fence. Allen lands a knee to the body and gets a takedown. Allen is in half-guard. Allen trying to set up a choke. Allen gets a choke nearly locked in but Craig grabbed a calf slicer at the same time so Allen lets go. Craig still has the leg but they scramble up. Allen gets a big takedown and has the back. Allen lands from inside the guard of Craig. 10-9 Allen.
Both land and Craig looks hurt more. They scramble to the mat and Allen gets inside the guard of Craig. Allen lands an elbow from the top. Allen gets the mount and locks in an arm-triangle choke. Craig gets out of it. Allen with some elbows. Craig has a cut open around his eyebrow. Allen landing from the top. Allen with more punches from the top. Allen gets the back at the end. 10-9 Allen, 20-18 Allen.
Allen lands a big left hand and had a guillotine choke as they went to the mat. Allen gets the back and has a rear-naked choke locked in and Craig taps! Allen gets the big main event win.
Official Result- Brendan Allen def. Paul Craig by submission (rear-naked choke) at :38 of Round 3