
Rocky Johnson, former WWE Tag Team Champion and father of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, dead at age 75


Rocky Johnson, a longtime NWA territory and later WWF wrestler, died today at age 75, according to Cauliflower Alley Club. He held many regional singles and many tag teams titles during his career spanning more than 20 years, including the WWF Tag Team Titles with Tony Atlas in the mid-1980s during the WWF’s national syndication expansion period. He is also the father of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

His autobiography was just released this year, titled “Soulman: The Rocs Johnson Story.”

He wrote that there is a lot he missed about being a pro wrestler, and a lot he didn’t miss. “If I had to do it all over again, I would definitely follow the same path,” he wrote. “I loved what I did for the 22 years I was active in the ring and the 15 years that followed as a trainer. I always had a place to go when I was working. I wasn’t always on top, but promoters always found a spot for me, and they paid me well.”

He wrote that the first 100 times people recognized as him “Rock’s dad” instead of “Rocky Johnson, the wrestler,” it bothered him. After that, he embraced it. He said at first it felt like he was being forgotten, but now “I’m good with it – I’m proud to be known as ‘The Rock’s dad.’”

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