The animated movie “Ferdinand”, starring the voice of John Cena as the titular character, premieres Saturday on HBO. The John Cena movie, which was released in 2017, follows Ferdinand, a bull with a big heart, who is mistaken for a dangerous beast and is captured and torn from his home. Determined to return to his family, he rallies a misfit team on the ultimate adventure.
Read Also: John Cena Is Ready to Make His WWE Return (Photo)
Jeff Hardy’s 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Dives
To celebrate the birthday of Jeff Hardy, WWE has put together a compilation of the 10 most jaw-dropping Jeff Hardy dives:
Prepare for your jaw to drop SEVERAL times as we celebrate @JEFFHARDYBRAND‘s birthday today!
— WWE (@WWE) August 31, 2018
Total Divas Sound Off On Paige’s Return
Ahead of the new season of Total Divas, the following video has been released featuring the cast sounding off on Paige, who will be returning to the show this season:
I love my ladies so much and I cant wait for you guys to see the new season of Total Divas 🤘🏻🖤 September 19th!
— PAIGE (@RealPaigeWWE) August 31, 2018