
Killer Kross Claims He Will Be Introducing Himself In “The Most Violent Manner”

Earlier this week it was confirmed that Killer Kross has signed with WWE and he has already begun teasing how he will make his impact.

Killer Kross stated that he has been waiting and watching, before stating that it is time to for the world to know who “we” are. Killer Kross then went on to add that he will be making the introductions in this most violent way that people could possibly imagine.

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It’s time for the world to know who we are.

And I will be making the introductions in the most violent manner you could possibly imagine.#KrossCult ❌ pic.twitter.com/klTgbf7aIE

— 🕳🐇Killer Kross ⏳💀❌ (@realKILLERkross) February 5, 2020

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