
ECW On Sci-Fi Taping Results For Tonight

WWE taped tonight’s edition of ECW on Sci-Fi from the Scope Arena in Norfolk, Virginia. Special thanks to Wrestling News World reader Dave Thomas for text-messaging the following results. If you are attending a WWE event in the near future and would be interested in assisting us with our weekly live coverage, please email me your name, mobile number, and show date to wnwryan [at] yahoo.com.

ECW On Sci-Fi: (Airing Tonight)
* Extreme Rules Match: Tommy Dreamer b. Colin Delaney
– Tommy hits Colin repetitively with a kendo stick. The match goes back and forth with trash cans, stop signs, and more. Colin misses an elbow drop from the top rope. Dreamer gets the win via pinfall.

* A promo with The Miz & John Morrison.

* A video package of the “Dirt Sheet” from last week is shown.

*SmackDown rebound.

* Evan Bourne b. Bam Neely
– Lots of high-flying moves. Evan wins with a shooting star press off the top rope followed by a pinfall.

* Theodore Long announces Finlay vs. Armando Estrada for later tonight.

* A SummerSlam promo featuring Batista & John cena is shown.

* Finlay b. Armando Estrada
– Dunn stands by the entrance to watch the match. Finlay gets the win via pinfall, then stares down Dunn.

* Hornswoggle brings a fan in the ring to dance with him.

* A Tribute to the Troops video package is shown.

* Raw Rewind featuring Batista & John Cena.

* Matt Hardy & Mark Henry are shown backstage. They then cut to a SummerSlam promo featuring Undertaker & Edge.

* Matt Hardy & Mark Henry b. The Miz & John Morrison
– Matt connects with a running bulldog on Miz. He then gets isolated and is unable to make the tag. The crowd is behind him. Side Effect on Morrison from the middle rope. He gets the pin for the win. Henry attacks Mix and Morrison after the Match. He then attacks Matt and poses as ECW goes off the air.


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