
RAW Report 5/16/11 San Antonio, Texas

This week’s RAW starts with music and pyro.

Cena’s music and he comes out. To the camera on stage he says, “Welcome to the Alamo!” Down to the ring, strap in hand. Before Cena can speak someone on the stage clears his throat. It’s A-Ri who tells Cena to save it, we’ve all heard it. Hustle, loyalty and respect. I never quit and will retain next Sunday. Why doesn’t Cena look at this? A video of Miz at his most evil, taking out Cena so many times before.

Cena doesn’t look happy. A-Ri then announces the most ‘must see Champion in WWE history’ the Miz. Miz out in a charcoal gray suit with black shirt and tie. In the ring A-Ri tells Miz the fans love him. On mic he says we’ve underestimated Miz. From Tough Enough to WMXXVII. We didn’t think he had what it took, but he did. They also thought the Spurs would make it out of the first round. Big heat for A-Ri as he continues to make choking noises. A-Ri says this Sunday at OTL in an I Quit Match – “You suck!” chants. Miz will prove us all wrong once again because the Miz will never mutter the words ‘I quit!’

Cena tells A-Ri that he’s as stupid as he is useless. If we’re talking about things Miz won’t say, how about ‘I won’t pass on tickets to the JoBros.’ ‘I don’t think I want to play with My Little Pony anymore.’ ‘I’m the Miz and I have testicles.’ That’s a shame because he’ll need a set for an I Quit Match. Miz has gone from laughing stock to WWE Champion, but there’s a reason Cena picked this match. “Cena!” chants. The reason he chose that match, after he looks past the fancy suits and bravado, Cena can look into A-Ri’s mentor’s eyes and see fear. Same fear Cena sees right now. He’s been in these matches and have gone the distance. Will he get hurt, or quit before he gets hurt. He’s scared because he won’t be saying I’m the Miz and I’m awesome, he’ll be saying I’m the Miz and I quit!’

Ding-Ding! Cole on his ipad! And I quote, “Miz, since I allowed John Cena to make the stipulation for OTL. As long as you and Riley are not involved, it’s only fair you name the match and opponent here, tonight.”

Miz, all smiles, takes the mic from A-Ri. He says he doesn’t know who Cena’s opponent will be yet. He doesn’t know the stipulation yet. But one thing’s for sure, it’s going to be awesome! A-Ri and Miz leave the ring and Cena staring after them. Miz and A-Ri back up the ramp taunting Cena.

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Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk w/ Nexus

Kofi bounces out to the ring, slapping hands on his way. Josh talks about Kofi moving to Boston when he was ten. Punk tells Ryan, Otunga and McGillicutty to stay on the stage. Video of Kane versus Ryan last week, but in the end Big Show and Kane took out Nexus. Punk rolls his eyes at the video.

They lock up. Side headlock on Kofi. Kofi elbows out, but eats a shoulder block. Kofi creatively leap frogged Punk, then fed him a shoulder. Drop kick sent Punk from the ring. Low drop kick to Punk through the ropes dropped him. Back in Kofi covers for three. Forearm to Kofi’s back for two. Elbows to Kofi’s chest over his shoulder. Headlock on Kofi in the center of the ring. Kofi up, but into a snap mare from Punk for two.

Punk to the apron, then climbs, but almost all the way out Kofi kicks Punk in the head, dropping him to the mat. Kofi climbs and nails Punk with a great cross body. Boom drop on Punk. Punk ducks TIP, and gets Kofi up, but Kofi climbs down Punk for two. Kofi rushes Punk in a corner, but Punk moves and Kofi lands badly. Punk gets Kofi up and hits the GTS for three.

Winner – Punk

Video of the high points of the match. On stage Punk sits in front of Nexus. He says what we just saw was leadership by example. It’s step on. He’s heard the rumors that Nexus isn’t formidable. He’s not stopping until Nexus is the most dominant – individually and as a group – that the WWE has seen.

Backstage Miz talking to Vickie and Dolph – off mic.

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WWE Slam Of The Week – Eve and Kelly won last week over the Bellas, but then Kharma came out. The Bellas, then Kelly fled, but Eve tried to attack Kharma and was destroyed.

Kelly Kelly vs. Brie w/ Nikki

Kelly out in royal blue. The Bellas out in black and silver, then back flip into the ring.

They lock up, knee to Kelly’s gut, then arm bar. Kelly uses the arm to send Brie flying. Thesz press to Brie. Brie back on Kelly with blows, then Nikki on Kelly through the ropes. Headlock on Kelly, but she gets free, licks her hand and slaps Brie’s ass. Kelly then gets Brie with that ridiculously long tilt-a-whirl head scissors that almost makes Brie fall out of her top. Handspring back splash, then bulldog on Brie for two. Kelly tripped Brie, then maneuvered her into a pin for three.

Winner – Kelly

The Bellas attack Kelly, their clothesline taking Kelly down pretty hard. They continued on her until Kharma’s music hit. Kelly left laying in the ring as the Bellas stand there watching Kharma come to the ring. Kharma’s eyes are all for Kelly. She walks toward Kelly, but a Bella attacks from behind. Kharma takes that one down. The other twin off the top in a cross body that Kharma easily grabs. The first twin flees as Kharma slams the other to the mat. Impant buster on the remaining twin. Kharma then over to Kelly, pulls her up by her chin. Kharma fondles Kelly’s blonde hair, then slowly leans in to flick Kelly in the forehead. Kelly looks about to pee herself. Kharma from the ring, part way up the ramp, then turns to look back at Kelly.

Backstage Miz is talking Big Show off mic.

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Video about Orton’s new movie ‘That’s What I Am’. The actors talk about the movie and what it’s about. Orton talks about Ed Harris being in Orton’s first film. The poor kid’s first kiss was on set.

Rey out in black and red. Josh talks about last week’s #1 Contender Match. R-Truth attacked Rey after the match was over. Cole talks about R-Truth’s conspiracy theory and how he agrees with R-Truth. Rey grabs a mic and goes for the cheap pop. He’s out to speak the truth. Last week R-Truth wasn’t chosen to be in the main event and jumped Rey when it was over. He’s been passed over, but never lost it like that. He doesn’t blame others for his own problems. He’s not the type to flip out when he doesn’t get his own way. Instead he’d call out the guy who jumped him and handle his business like a man. So, R-Truth, why not come out so Rey can show him why he didn’t deserve to be in this, or any other main even on RAW, and that’s the truth.

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Ricardo comes out in stage announcing Alberto Del Rio. Alberto drives out in a white 1979 Rolls Royce Corniche. Alberto is all smiles. He introduces himself, but we know that, especially Rey, little Chihuahua. Rey got beat up last week, not Alberto. Rey’s the reason Alberto’s not facing Cena. Rey doesn’t deserve to be on the same show with Alberto. He’s full blooded Mexican. Not like these people from San Antonio. Alberto into the ring and I realize there’s a group of guys, at least four, dressed as refs in the front row.

“You suck!” chants. Alberto says this country begged Alberto to come here. They gave Alberto everything to come here. Not like Rey’s people who came to this country like a bunch of ratas! Rey says he’s not going to let Alberto disrespect his people, mi raza! Rey speaks more in Spanish. He says he’s proud to be a chicano, proud to be an American as well. If R-Truth isn’t coming down here, he has no trouble shutting Alberto’s mouth right now.

Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio w/ Ricardo

Alberto on Rey with blows, Rey back with a kick and blows. Alberto floats over, but then eats a huri. Rey whipped, but moves. Rey up top, Alberto up and hits Rey with his arm buster.

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Arm bar on Rey. Rey kicks free. Alberto rushes Ray in a corner, but eats feet. Alberto on Rey who reverses things into a bulldog. Alberto comes back with a clothesline for two. Blows on Rey, Alberto is frustrated. Alberto kicks Rey in the back for two. Alberto back on Rey with blows, then wrapped him in the ropes a bit. Alberto still in that left arm of Rey’s. Alberto stomps Rey’s shoulder, but only gets two.

Arm hold on Rey on the mat. Rey to his feet, but then hit with an enziguri for a long two. Arm and head old on Rey on the mat. Rey on Alberto with kicks from the mat, but Alberto pins again for two. Hammerlock on Rey on the mat. Rey elbows Alberto in the face, then sent Alberto flying. More kicks, then Rey ducks and Alberto’s drop kick sends him out through the ropes. Rey’s about to fly out, but R-Truth’s screaming to call the police. There’s a theif amongst them. He stole R-Truth’s spot for the Title. Somebody call the cops. Alberto in, but Rey hit’s a cross body on him for two. Alberto whipped, but sends Rey to the apron. Seated senton off the corner into a hurricanrana. Alberto’s set up, but Ricardo blacks Rey’s 619.

Winner – Rey via DQ

Alberto sends Rey into the ring post. Alberto off the top slamming onto Rey on the mat. Alberto grabs onto Rey, but the ref is able to get Alberto free. Rey struggles to his feet, but R-Truth attacks from behind, then stomps Rey. “You suck!” chants. R-Truth talks smack to Rey, then slams Rey face first to the mat. Much heat from the fans as R-Truth asks for a mic. He asks Rey what he’s doing? Who does Rey think he is challenging R-Truth? No one challenges the Truth. He makes the challenges. Just like R-Truth showed Rey tonight. This Sunday, you gonna get got! R-Truth back on Rey with punches to the head. Rey left flat on the mat as R-Truth backs sitting into a corner. Then R-Truth bounces up and stomps Rey hard. R-Truth leaves the ring talking to himself. R-Truth leaves up the ramp, arguing with himself. He looks back to the ring as a ref checks on Rey.

Backstage Miz talks to Punk and Ryan off mic.

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Time for the contract signing between Cole and King. The desk is set up, Cole is kicked back, Swagger behind him, King standing on the other side. Cole says King couldn’t leave well enough alone. King challenged him to a match that was agreed upon by his friend Swagger. Cole says King has to say what he promises if Cole wins. King says Cole has never legitimately beaten King. But if Cole does win, then King will give Cole his HOF ring, and induct Cole into the HOF himself. Cole signs, then has King sign.

Cole then says King’s like the rest of these yayhoos in Texas, jump first and ask questions later. Cole’s about full disclosure and King should have read the fine print. Stipulation on page two reads that this match will be a Kiss My Foot Match. When Cole wins, King will have to do what JR did a month ago. Cole calls up the video.

Cole’s all laughs. JR’s accomplished a lot in his career. First to kiss VKM’s rear and Cole’s foot. Great career JR. Cole made this match as he wanted to make King comfortable. King has experience kissing the feet of a superior athlete. King knows chat Cole means, but Cole calls up footage. 1995 King of The Ring, Bret Hart shoved his bare foot into King’s mouth in the ring.

Cole’s really laughing now. Cole then shows King and the camera his disgusting foot. Cole goes on and on until King yells at Cole to shut up. That was Bret Hart and Cole is no Bret Hart! As a matter of fact Cole, he isn’t even a Jack Swagger. He doesn’t like Swagger, but respects him. Cole should be proud that he took a former World Champion and made him into no more than a lowly sidekick.

Cole says no one remembers him being Champion. People remember Swagger’s best time as being with Cole. Some say that the only reason Swagger went to WMXXVII was because of Cole. Cole believes – Swagger bumps Cole. Swagger is pissed, looking down at Cole who begs. Swagger, barely on mic, tells King that Cole’s all his. Then tells Cole good luck on Sunday. Swagger leaves as Cole begs him to come back. “Jerry” chants.

Cole turns back to King who’s all smiles. Now Cole wants to be friends, he knows that the fans know it was all a joke. It’s funny right? They go back 14 years. He respects everything King’s ever done in the ring. He’s not a wrestler! King tells Cole to stuff it. King grabs Cole’s tie, pulls him over the table. He says Cole’s been sticking his mouth for months now. This Sunday King will shove his foot in Cole’s mouth and close it! Cole is flung across the table. King leaves as Cole is whimpering to himself.

Miz is talking to Kane off mic. Big Show walks up, hands Kane his strap and the two walk off as Miz continues to babble on about Cena.

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King is all happy at announce. Cole is not happy and petulant in his Mine.

Kane & Big Show vs. Otunga & McGillicutty w/ Nexus

Big Kane out to the ring. Big Show poses as Kane calls fire from the corners. Cole’s still trying to suck up to Cole. Nexus to the ring, Kane makes a funny sneering face at them.

Kane and McGillicutty start. Blows from Kane. McGillicutty tries for a sunset flip, but Kane’s too strong. McGillicutty into a corner, comes out into an upper cut. Kane slams McGillicutty to the mat, then a low drop kick to McGillicutty for two. Big Show tags in and chops McGillicutty’s chest as Kane holds him. Another big chop to McGillicutty. McGillicutty is whipped, but gets a foot up. Big Show gets McGillicutty up on his shoulder, but he wiggles free. Chop blocks to Big Show, but he stays standing.

Otunga tags in and nails Big Show with a drop kick to the knee to drop Big Show to the mat. A boot to Big Show’s face, then another. The third and Otunga tries to pin to no avail. McGillicutty tags in and keeps working Big Show’s left knee. McGillicutty pins for two. Otunga tags in and continues to work that knee. McGillicutty tags in and on that knee. Elbows to that knee as Punk yells orders. A knee hold by McGillicutty. Big Show uses his other leg to slam McGillicutty back to the mat. Otunga tags in and kicks at Big Show’s leg. Otunga on that leg, but thrown off. Otunga with a side headlock on Big Show, but when Big Show gets to his feet he falls back slamming Otunga to the mat. Both down. Big Show manages to tag out. McGillicutty also tags in.

Kane on McGillicutty with clotheslines.McGillicutty into a corner, then a clothesline in the corner. Side slam on McGillicutty for two. Kane up top, comes off with a huge clothesline. Otunga rushes in and eats a big boot. Ryan slides in the ring, but out quickly. Big Show takes Ryan down hard outside. The ref is distracted with this. Kane has McGillicutty’s throat in his hand, but Punk attacks from the apron. McGillicutty pins Kane for three.

Winner – Otunga & McGillicutty

Punk is thrilled. Otunga and McGillicutty celebrate in the ring briefly before fleeing.

Backstage Miz talks to R-Truth, off mic.

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Backstage Scott Stanford with Big Show and Kane. How does this loss effect them. Big Show says not at all. Anyone can have a good night. Nexus had a good night. They’re alpha and will take them out. They’re a bump in the road. Kane says it will be Nexus’ annihilation.

Backstage Cena meets up with the Long Island Z. They talk off mic, act silly. Z gives Cena one of his new shirts. Cena leaves smiling, shirt over his shoulder.

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WWE Rewind – A-Ri called Cena out, but didn’t have a chance as Miz watched closely.

Miz’s music. He and A-Ri out to the stage. He says tonight’s main event will be a No Holds Barred Match. Miz calls Cena out.

Main Event – No Holds Barred Match – Cena vs. Swagger

Cena cautiously comes out, watching Miz and A-Ri closely. From behind, at the top of the ramp, Swagger attacks Cena. Swagger stomps Cena. Miz then introduces Swagger. Miz tells the ref to ring the bell.

Swagger rolls Cena into the ring. Swagger stomps Cena in a corner. Swagger backs off, then on Cena with blows. Cena’s shirt is half off as Swagger slams Cena back. Cena kicks Swagger off, gets his shirt off and on Swagger. Swagger whipped, but gets his feet into Cena’s face. Blows to Cena, then a leg drop for two. Blows to Cena in a corner, then Cena’s whipped. Cena falls to the mat, the ref checks Cena. Dueling Cena chants fill the arena. Suplex from Swagger onto Cena. Swagger uses the corner to splash Cena on the mat.

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Arm hold on Cena in the center of the mat. During the break, Cena was in control. Swagger was slammed onto announce. Swagger whipped, but again gets his feet in Cena’s face. Cena rolls out. Swagger out and kicks Cena in the ribs, then sends Cena into the uncovered barrier by the timekeeper. Back in the ring and Swagger pins Cena for two. During the break Cena used the GM’s computer as a weapon. Cole says Swagger should be fined for that. Swagger with a chair into the ring. Cena cracked in the back with a chair, but Swagger could still only get two.

Swagger lays the chair on Cena’s chest. Swagger runs across the ring and uses the corner to splash Cena. Swagger could still only get two. Swagger wedges the chair in the corner between the top and second ropes. Swagger to Cena who comes back with blows, then a shoulder block. Swagger grabbed Cena as he tried to black again. Swagger slammed Cena (badly) to the mat for two. Swagger locks on the ankle lock. Cena cringes, then rolls through. Cena taunted Swagger who rushed him. Cena side stepped and Swagger hit the chair head first. Both down, but at by 5.

Shoulder blocks in what Cole calls ‘vintage’ Cena. Cena slams Swagger to the mat. Five Knuckle Shuffle on Swagger. Cena gets Swagger up and hits the AA. Cena locks on the STF. Swagger taps out.

Winner – Cena

Miz and A-Ri pace on stage, clap for Cena in a mocking way. Miz says very, very, very impressive. Cherish this victory. Come this Sunday Cena will feel emptiness, regret and disappointment. There are so many ways to get a human being to say ‘I Quit’. You can beat a someone so badly that they have no choice but to say ‘I Quit’. Take this stage, for example. Miz could throw Cena off from it and watch as he crashes face first into the concrete. See this camera? Miz could put Cena up against the stage and do something like this – Miz grabs the boom and swings it until the camera smashes into the front of the stage. The boom swings back out, so Miz slams it into the stage again.

Or take these steel steps. Miz could slam him again and again until Cena couldn’t stand up. Or Miz could look under the ring. Miz tells A-Ri to find something useful. A-Ri looks, nothing. Another side and A-Ri gets a pipe. Miz says yes, he could use this pipe; all these things. That’s the obvious stuff. The stuff Miz’s not going to use. There’s a million ways to beat Cena. Million ways Cena hasn’t thought of that Miz already has. Miz says he’s more intelligent and rutheless than anyone Cena’s faces in his entire life. Miz has found a way Cena’s never even seen before. This Sunday Miz guarantees everyone that he’ll be the new WWE Champion!

Miz asks Cena why he’s looking at Miz that way. Looking like he doesn’t believe a word Miz says. While Miz won’t use that pipe this Sunday, he has no problem using it tonight.

Cena took A-Ri’s attack down, but took the pipe Miz swings to his right hip/thigh area? Then Miz slams the pipe across Cena’s back. Cena struggles to his feet and manages to kick Miz in the gut so he loses hold of the pipe. Cena grabs it as it bounces around on the mat (like any good steel pipe should when it’s not made of steel) and hits Miz in the gut with it. Cena then wails on A-Ri with it, but Miz attacks from behind. A-Ri rolls out of the ring as Cena and Miz throw blows. Miz drops from the ring and flees up the ramp, but keeps his eyes on Cena.

Cena grabs a Miz and yells that Miz has a million ways to beat him? Bring them all, then get a million more! Cena tells Miz to listen and listen good. Miz has a hurting coming down on him, son! Because at OTL Miz will say, “I Quit!” Miz stares at a seething Cena in the ring.

Biggest pop
Big Show/Kane

Biggest heat

Most mixed

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