
Former NXT Star Talks About WWE Release, Pros & Cons Of Leaving WWE & More

Rajah.com reader Phil Johnson sent along the following:

Former WWE NXT Superstar “Briley Pierce” and Dolph Ziggler’s brother, Ryan Nemeth is now blogging at PWMania.com. Nemeth posted his debut column talking about his WWE release and providing an update on what he has been up to. Here is an excerpt from his first entry:

Am I happy I was released? No. Of course not. Are you kidding? Nobody’s happy about getting fired. That’s insane. That’s not a thing. It’s just not. It’s completely 100% impossible to be happy about that. You’re “happy” you got fired? Really? Okay, let me ask you this: if you’re so happy you got fired then why didn’t you quit? Huh? Tell me. Seriously, can you explain that? Oh, you can’t? Because you’re lying? Yup, okay, got it.

I conclude: people who get fired and declare “I’m happy I got fired” aren’t telling the truth. They’re lying.

Case closed.

End of story.

The end.

Got it? Okay. I’m going to move on.

Am I, however, happy right now? Yes. Big time. I am incredibly happy. Since leaving WWE Developmental (FCW, NXT, WWEPC, HHH-XT, and whatever else it’s currently hash-tagged as in the scale-tippingly manic, dangerously positive and impossibly grateful tweets of the current Developmental roster members) I have done a lot. Like, really, a lot. I’ll explain…

Nemeth also writes about the pro and cons of leaving WWE and more. You can read his debut blog can be read in full at PWMania.com.

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