Erick Rowan vs. Big Show
Out comes Big Show, who grabs a microphone. He admits that he’s a bully. He shouts to the back to send out his next victim — Erick Rowan. Out he comes.
The bell rings and Rowan immediately goes to work on Big Show. Rowan follows but they come back in and Show takes control. Show beats Rowan around now. Rowan finally fights up and out. He ducks a clothesline and drops Show with one of his own.
Rowan with another shot and a splash in the corner. Rowan clotheslines Show over the ropes. Rowan follows with a big chop and a headbutt. Show counters and slams Rowan into the steel steps. He takes the ring steps and smashes them into Rowan again, only tro get DQ’d for his efforts.
Winner via DQ: Erick Rowan
Backstage: Renee Young Interviews Vince McMahon
Backstage we see Vince McMahon walking. He notices two of The Rosebuds, but keeps walking. Renee Young stops him. Vince says he’s happy because of tonight’s live podcast with Steve Austin on the WWE Network. She asks if Vince is thinking about bringing back The Authority. He says that’s in John Cena’s hands. In his hands, Stone Cold. Vince says the interview is going to be fun and walks off.
Fandango (with Rosa Mendes) vs. Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)
We return from commercial to see Fandango dancing his way to Rosa Mendes in the ring. Jack Swagger’s music hits but he doesn’t show up. It starts again but we go to the back. Zeb Colter is down holding his leg. Swagger runs over and asks who did this. We go back to the ring and Fandango is getting booed as he poses. Lilian Garcia goes to announce the winner by forfeit but Rosa snatches the mic and says his name all fancy-style. We head to another commercial.
Winner via Forefit: Fandango
Rusev (with Lana) vs. Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)
We’re back from the break and we see highlights of Sgt. Slaughter trying to force Rusev and Lana to recite to Pledge of Allegiance per their match-stipulation.
We then see Lana and Rusev in the ring for a promo but fans interrupt her with a USA chant. She plays Rusev up as a victim but brags about his battle royal victory on SmackDown. Rusev says those who have foolishly challenged him have been crushed. For those who don’t listen, like Zeb Colter, have been broken. Lana tell us to stand for a true pledge of allegiance as the Russian flag drops down. She mocks our Pledge for Russia as we see Vladimir Putin on the big screen. Jack Swagger’s music hits and out he comes.
Swagger takes Rusev down and the brawl begins. They fight to the floor where Swagger bashes Rusev into the ringside barricade. Eventually, officials come out and separate the two. Lana runs to the ring with the U.S. title as officials hold Swagger back while she and Rusev leave.
Damien Mizdow vs. Fernando
Next up is singles action between Damien Mizdow and Fernando of Los Matadores. It’s time for singles action on tonight’s “Cyber Monday” edition of RAW.
The bell rings and here we go. Early on, Mizdow controls the action and the crowd is loving it. Miz is on commentary during this one, and is of course taking credit for all of Mizdow’s success.
In the end, Mizdow locks Fernando in the figure-four leg lock and gets the win. After the match, from out of the blue, Uso appears and bitch-slaps Miz at the announce table, yelling at him, “stay away from my wife,” off-mic.
Winner: Damien Mizdow