
WWE RAW Results (12/1/2014): Tulsa, Oklahoma

WWE Tag-Team Turmoil #1 Contendership Match
– Goldust & Stardust vs. A New Day vs. Tyson Kidd & Cesaro vs. The Usos vs. Adam Rose & The Bunny

We return from commercial with Goldust and Stardust already in the ring. Out comes the “A New Day” faction with their fancy new entrance. They do paper, rock, scissors to determine who is in the match, Fabulous Freebirds and Wolfpac style. It ends up being Big E. and Kofi Kingston.

Early on, Kingston and Big E. establish control, however Goldust counters and takes the knee out. Stardust tags back in and works Big E over. Kofi tags back in for a big double team move off the top for the pin. Goldust and Stardust have been eliminated. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd are out next with Natalya. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial.

When we return from the break, Cesaro is in control of Kofi. Kidd comes in for some double teaming. Kofi counters and tags in Big E. He runs over Kidd but runs into a kick. Big E with a belly to belly. He runs the ropes and splashes Kidd. Cesaro saves Kidd from The Big Ending. Big E dumps them both to the apron and knocks them off with a double clothesline. Kofi tags in from the top. Stardust and Xavier end up attacking Woods on the floor, distracting Kofi, who gets rolled up from behind. Kofi and Big E are eliminated. The Usos are out next as Kidd starts off with Jey Uso. Cesaro comes in and hits a big throw but Uso turns it around to a huge reaction from the crowd. Uso goes at it with Kidd and sends him to the floor. Uso doesn’t see Cesaro tag in and turns around to a big suplex. Uso was going to dive out on Kidd but he used Natalya as a shield. Cesaro goes for a cover, but only gets two. We go to commercial again.

We’re back from another break and this time we see Cesaro dumping Uso again and covers for a 2 count. Kidd and Jimmy Uso get the tag and go at it. Uso hits a big Samoan Drop but Cesaro breaks the pin. Cesaro and Jey get sent to the floor. Natalya tries to help Kidd, apparently distracting Uso and leading to Kidd kicking him in the head. Kidd springboards in but Uso takes him out. Jey tags in and hits a big splash from the top. Cesaro and Kidd are eliminated. Adam Rose and The Bunny are out next with the Rosebuds. Rose gets rolled up early on for talking to The Bunny. The Bunny ends up tagging himself in and Rose isn’t happy.

The Bunny hits a power bomb on Uso from the top for a two count. Rose comes back in and argues with The Bunny. He turns around to a big superkick. Uso tags in and hits a big splash for the win. The Usos are the new number one tag-title contenders.

Winners: The Usos

Backstage: Naomi, The Miz & Damien Mizdow

Backstage, we see Naomi watching on again from the monitor. In walks Miz and Damien Mizdow. Miz says she did some good twerking in her music video. He gives her a card and says someone in Hollywood might be interested.

Backstage: Vince McMahon Arrives

In the parking lot, we see a limo arriving and out comes Vince McMahon. We head to commercial.

Backstage: Tom Phillips With Erick Rowan

Backstage, Tom Phillips is with Erick Rowan. Phillips says he’s done some investigating and has found out that Rowan has an IQ score of 143 and is a winemaker. He asks why Rowan has zero’d in on Big Show. Rowan says because Show is a bully.

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