Hundreds of doctors in Quebec, Canada are asking the Ministry of Health to cancel a proposed pay raise it wants to give them, imploring the government to instead redirect the funds to other healthcare workers and patient care in the province.
“We, Quebec doctors who believe in a strong public system, oppose the recent salary increases negotiated by our medical federations,” wrote Médecins Québécois Pour le Régime Public (MQRP), in a letter signed by nearly 800 physicians. “We, Quebec doctors, are asking that the salary increases granted to physicians be canceled and that the resources of the system be better distributed for the good of healthcare workers.”
“If you ask physicians in the street, most will tell you that they would rather have more support and have a good working environment and have other professionals to refer their patients to, rather than having more money.” —Isabelle Leblanc, MQRPQuebec’s healthcare system, administered by the province’s Ministry of Health, has suffered “drastic cuts” recently, note the doctors, which they say should be reversed with the funds the government plans to use for raises.
The province’s 20,000 doctors make an average of $198,000 to $314,000, and the government has proposed annual raises of 1.4 to 1.8 percent, costing Quebec about $1.2 billion over the next five years.