
WATCH: Medicare for All in the Spotlight at Historic Congressional Hearing

After many years of tireless grassroots activism led by nurses, doctors, and ordinary Americans fighting for a just healthcare system, Medicare for All will finally get its first-ever congressional hearing on Tuesday before the House Rules Committee.

“Who has ever created change by thinking small? The scale of the crisis in healthcare is so enormous that we have to think big and be bold,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), the lead sponsor of the Medicare for All Act of 2019 in the House, said ahead of Tuesday’s hearing. “We are creating a movement that makes it clear that when we win Medicare for All, it will be because of the people’s movement!”

Ady Barkan, who is battling terminal ALS, is one of just two Medicare for All supporters testifying at the hearing.


No longer able to speak due to his condition, Barkan will make the case for Medicare for All “using a computer system that tracks his eye movements and subsequently converts text into speech.”


Speaking out against anything less than Medicare for All, Barkan told the Washington Post: “Incremental reforms will leave millions of people without healthcare… Which community are you willing to sacrifice in favor of enriching insurance industry executives?”

“All ill people deserve the option to receive care in their home and community,” Barkan tweeted. “That’s why I pushed to ensure that Medicare for All will cover long-term services and supports, and why I’ll be testifying at 10am. Tune in!”

Ahead of Tuesday’s hearing, Barkan released his full testimony online.

“The ugly truth is this: healthcare is not treated as a human right in the United States of America,” Barkan’s statement reads. “This fact is outrageous. And it is far past time that we change it. Say it loud for the people in the back: healthcare is a human right.”

Read Barkan’s full testimony:

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