
Trump has discussed backing Amash challenger: report

President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE has reportedly discussed the possibility of backing a primary challenge to Rep. Justin AmashJustin AmashOver 1,400 pro athletes, coaches call on Congress to back bill ending qualified immunity House Democrats set to introduce proposed ban on chemical weapons Mark Cuban says he’s decided not to run for president MORE (R-Mich.) following the congressman’s call to begin impeachment proceedings against the president.

Politico reported Wednesday that Trump has discussed the matter with top GOP officials, including Vice President Pence, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel and Rep. Mark MeadowsMark Randall MeadowsTim Scott to introduce GOP police reform bill next week House GOP delays police reform bill White House says Trump may issue executive order on police reform MORE (R-N.C.), co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus that Amash exited this week.


The president has reportedly expressed a strong desire to exact revenge on Amash after the Michigan lawmaker became the first congressional Republican to openly call for impeachment proceedings.

A spokesperson for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

McDaniel told Politico in a statement that it was “sad to see Congressman Amash parroting the Democrats’ talking points on Russia.”

“The only people still fixated on the Russia collusion hoax are political foes of President Trump hoping to defeat him in 2020 by any desperate means possible,” she said. “Voters in Amash’s district strongly support this president and would rather their congressman work to support the president’s policies that have brought jobs, increased wages and made life better for Americans.”

Amash faces one announced challenger so far: Republican state Rep. Jim Lower, who has publicly expressed support for Trump and opposes Amash’s calls for impeachment. A poll published in MIRS News this week found Amash trailing Lower by double digits in a hypothetical primary match-up.

Lower told the news outlet that Trump’s involvement in the primary would cement his status as Amash’s major challenger and drive other potential candidates from the race.

“If they were to get involved early I think it would help make sure that it was just me versus Amash in the August primary — and if that’s the case we’re definitely going to win,” Lower told Politico in an interview. “Obviously Trump is a huge component of our campaign, so it will probably go without saying that we’d love to have his endorsement.”

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