
Jean-Claude Juncker cancels first Davos trip over stomach flu

Jean-Claude Juncker has cancelled his first ever visit to the World Economic Forum in Davos after being laid low with stomach flu.

The president of the European Commission was due to give a speech in the glitzy Swiss ski resort tomorrow in what EU sources said was planned to be a show of the union’s strength.

"The president has a stomach flu that will not allow him to travel to Davos,” said the commission’s chief spokesman, who revealed Mr Juncker also missed the weekly meeting of commissioner.

“He will stay at home to recover,” the spokesman added. Stomach flu is thought to be gastroenteritis, a condition with symptoms that can include vomiting, diarrhoea and cramps.  The decision to cancel was made at such short notice that at least one senior member of his team turned up to work in Brussels in snow boots in preparation for arrival in Brussels this evening.

Mr Juncker, a veteran politician, planned to break the habit of a lifetime by attending Davos, which he has never visited before.

Profile | Jean-Claude Juncker

Many people believe he attended about 20 years ago in 1997, while he was prime minister of Luxembourg, but the commission confirmed he cancelled that visit to focus instead on ongoing negotiation over the euro.

Last year, Mr Juncker criticised his commissioners for flocking to Davos instead of focusing on their briefs.

This year he was due to head a delegation of seven commissioners and Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator.

The Telegraph reported this morning that Mr Juncker decided to go in a bid to show international business leaders and heads of state that “Europe was back” after years of the Eurozone crisis.

The appearance was also planned to show that the EU would survive and prosper after Brexit and despite multilateralism coming under fire from the likes of Donald Trump.

In Davos, Mr Juncker was set to meet with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Bill Gates.

EU sources said he would have shunned the helicopter laid on for the most important visiting dignitaries and instead travel to Davos from Zurich by car. The World Economic Forum has been bedevilled by poor weather.

Mr Juncker has long battled against speculation about his health. He is a heavy smoker and has suffered from kidney stones.  

There have been accusations, which have been strenuously denied, of heavy drinking. In 2016, Mr Juncker was forced to deny he had an alcohol problem.

Rumours about his alleged ill health reached fever pitch in 2016, after a report on the Politico website.

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