
Alternative for Germany faces election ‘disaster’ over paperwork error

The nationalist Alternative for Germany party (AfD) is facing what one of its own MPs called “disaster” in regional elections later this year — because of an error in filing paperwork.

After a string of disappointing results, the AfD was looking to bounce back in regional elections in its heartland of Saxony in September.

The party is currently in joint first place in opinion polls in the former east German state, and is projected to win as many as 30 seats in the regional parliament.

But the AfD won’t be able to claim that many seats, after a the party messed up the nominations for its candidates.

Under Germany’s proportional representation system, each party must submit a list of candidates who will be allotted seats according to the party’s share of the vote.

German election laws specify that all candidates must be chosen at a single party conference, but for some reason the AfD chose to draw up two lists for Saxony at separate events. 

Electoral authorities have ruled that they can only accept the first list, which only contains 18 candidates — meaning any other seats the party wins will be divided among its rivals.

Jorg Meuthen, one of the AfD's leaders, said the party would try to make up the shortfall by winning first-past-the-post seatsCredit:

“This could cost us ten seats in parliament,” Tino Chrupalla, one of the AfD’s national MPs told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper. “This is a disaster for us.”

To make matters worse, the party only submitted its two lists a few days before the deadline. Returning officers said they would have been happy for the party to hold a new conference and submit a single list, but there was no time.

Jörg Urban, the AfD’s regional chairman in Saxony, condemned the decision as a “conspiracy by established parties to weaken the strongest challenger in the Saxon elections”.

The response from the party’s national leadership has been muted. “As AfD leader, you get used to disappoinments of this kind,” Jörg Meuthen, one of the party’s joint leaders, said.

Mr Meuthen said the party will now campaign to make up the shortfall by winning as many “direct mandates” as possible.

Germany’s electoral system is a complex mix of proportional representation and first-past-the-post, and parties can field candidates in both categories.

There are no restrictions on the number of candidates the AfD can field for the first-past-the-post “direct mandates”, and in theory the party could still win as many seats by this method, but it is a stiffer challenge.

The AfD is the first nationalist party to sit in the Budgestag since the sixties and is currently the largest opposition party. But its support appears to have waned in the past year after a series of disappointing results in European and German regional elections.

It is hoping to reverse that trend as three states in its former East German heartlands hold regional elections this autumn.

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