A Delhi court on January 11 ordered that the filmmaker of Deepika Padukone-starrer movie ‘Chhapaak’ should recognise the name of the lawyer in the film who claims to have fought the criminal case for the acid victim on whose life the movie is based.
Lawyer Aparna Bhatt moved the petition before Delhi’s Patiala House Court earlier seeking a stay on the release of the movie, asserting that she was not given due credit in the film.
During the course of hearing, senior advocate Sanjay Parikh, appearing for the petitioner told the court that his client fought Laxmi Aggarwal’s case for years and helped during the script-making of the film but was still not given credit.
“She does not want any money. All she only wants is credit as promised by the film director,” Parikh told the court.
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He said that Bhatt came to know that her name is not included in the movie on January 7 following which she was promised that the production will take care of her concerns after the movie is released.
She was also told that her contribution has been acknowledged in several interviews, the advocate told the court.
“The filmmaker acknowledged her but I do not understand why they are hesitating in giving my client any credit,” he rued.
The movie, out now in the UAE, is based on Aggarwal’s life. In 2005, at the age of 15, she was attacked by a spurned lover.
Aggarwal had to undergo several surgeries. Later, she took up the job of helping other acid attack survivors and promoted campaigns to stop such gruesome attacks.
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