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Dubai: When you’re cooped up in an aircraft, the last thing you want to see (or smell) are someone’s feet. Unfortunately, American actor Andy Richter wasn’t so lucky. On a recent flight, he saw a passenger airing his feet on the small television screen in front of him.
In a series of tweets that went viral, Richter said: “There were dirty toes smudges where his feet were. I am not exaggerating… You could see the outline of his big toe, etc.”
The thread resonated with many users, and was shared multiple times. It received more than 55,000 likes on Twitter.
What happened on the plane?
Richter, who appears on the show “Late Night with Conan O’Brien’, did not want to trouble the passenger who had taken off his shoes and put his feet up.
Instead, he alerted a flight attendant who told the passenger to put them down, but he listened only temporarily.
Richter tweeted: “…Puts them back a few minutes later and I asked him to put them down. “They’re your bare feet, man.” He was shocked and put them down. When he just put them back up I decided… I’m tweeting.”
The passengers of the plane had to get off because of “lightning” when Richter noticed the toe smudges around the television frame.
Richter wrote: “The flight attendant came back right before we got off and asked him to take them down again. Guy did and asked ‘is that like a just-when-taxiing thing?’ Attendant: ‘no, it’s a basic airplane courtesy thing.’ Guy seemed surprised to hear that.”
Richter did not name the passenger but shamed him online, gathering support from his fans.
Tweeps react to people with poor airplane etiquette
Many online users shared their own experiences and commented on how some people don’t know how to behave in public.
Tweep @AllisonRFloyed posted: “A woman was doing that in the waiting area of my dentist’s office at my last cleaning. Some people think the whole world is their living room.”
User @YatesWilburn posted: “If the guy was surprised to hear someone call him out on this, that implies he’s done it many, many times before and absolutely NO ONE called him out.
“How does that happen? How do you fly EVEN ONCE without SOMEONE calling you out for this, let alone MULTIPLE TIMES?”
And Tweep @pattracy pointed out that more than an issue of “courtesy”, it was also a “hygiene issue”.
Have you experienced people behaving poorly in public? Write to us at [email protected].
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