Properties belonging to a Lok Sabha polls candidate from Jagan Mohan Reddy’s party have been raided by the CBI in connection with an alleged bank fraud case. According to reports, two houses and four offices of Raghurama Krishnam Raju, YSR Congress’s candidate from the Narasapuram constituency, have been raided by the agency in Hyderabad.
Raghurama Krishnam Raju had quit the ruling Telugu Desam Party (TDP) last year and joined Mr Reddy’s party.
He is being raided over an alleged Rs 2,655 crore fraud case, news agency ANI has reported.
This comes after a spate of raids on several opposition leaders by the Income Tax department. Earlier this month, DMK leader Kanimozhi’s premises were also searched by the department to “verify allegations of cash being stashed there. The DMK lawmaker and the sister of party chief MK Stalin, is the candidate for the Tuticorin seat.
IT sources, however, said later that it was a “false tip” and they drew a blank. No case had been registered.
Income tax officials had also carried out coordinated raids at premises owned by people allegedly linked to Janata Dal (Secular) or JD(S) in Karnataka’s Mandya and Hassan districts.
The opposition had criticised the central government over the raids carried out amid the ongoing national election.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week responded to the criticism, saying his house should be raided if he did anything wrong.
“After income tax raids, Congress leaders say, ‘we are politicians, why are you raiding our place?’ The country’s law is equal to all. If Modi does anything wrong, the Modi’s home also must be raided by the Income Tax. The law must be equal to all,” PM Modi said at a rally in Madhya Pradesh.